You can choose your preferred mode to personalize and optimize your purification. It is recommended for rooms up to 277sq ft. The purifier is tested in independent lab testing by AHAM - the leading trade association for the home appliance industry – and has a CADR rating of 211.
Intelligent purification. Multistage active filtration system consists of three filters: pre-filter, active carbon filter and True HEPA filter. The Philips Nano Protect Active Carbon filter is proven to reduce gases and odors.
The active carbon filter needs to be replaced approximately every months, based on an average usage of hours per day. Dran bleiben lohnt sich, have Fun! Ideal for living rooms.

Chamber size 25m initial temperature of 20±2°C and relative humidity of 30±RH. Microbial Reduction Rate Test conducted at Airmid Healthgroup Ltd. Also use the App for outdoor air quality and allergy management advice.
Become a Philips product tester and tell us what you think about our products. Your feedback as a product tester will provide us with valuable insights to improve and innovate the Philips product range. Keep the air in a room nice and clean with this Philips Air Purifier.
Automatically monitors and purifies the air. Now, we’ve all heard the term HEPA before,. What about Maintenance?
Something else the app does a really good job of doing is letting you know how much life you have left in your filters. AeraSense technology Benchmarked against a professional-grade sensor, Philips Aerasense technology is highly effective in sensing even the slightest changes in indoor air conditions. The pre-filter and True HEPA filter remove particles.

The Active Carbon filter reduces harmful gases and odors. Визуализирайте и контролирайте своя въздух – навсякъде и по всяко време. Free shipping for many products! This can be tracked on the Air Matters app, which provides real-time air quality feedback.
The Philips Air Purifier’s multi-layer filtration system is one reason why it’s so effective. First, a pre-filter removes large particles, then an active carbon filter removes odors and VOCs. Finally, a HEPA filter removes ultrafine particles as small as 0. Ilman puhdistuksen ja kosteutuksen yhdistävä laite auttaa poistamaan allergeeneja, bakteereja, viruksia sekä kevään suuria siitepölymääriä. Kromě automatických režimů má čistička také režimů manuálních. Follow easy step to connect your Philips connected Air Purifier.
Mange er uvidende om, at indendørs luft ofte er mere forurenet end udendørs luft. Luftrenseren viser oplysninger om luftkvaliteten i realtid via displayet og den tilknyttede app. Appen viser også oplysninger om luftkvaliteten indendørs og udendørs, så du kan danne dig et komplet billede af fx.
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