Tuesday 14 January 2020

Use of coffee and honey on face

Use of coffee and honey on face

Coffee , Oat And Honey Face Mask. This coffee face mask is ideal for the sensitive skin. Oat helps in reducing skin irritation. It also helps in exfoliation.

Honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin and reduces blemishes. Mix a tablespoon of finely ground coffee beans with two tablespoons of ground oat and a tablespoon of honey. Spread the mixture on your face. Being a natural moisturiser and skin elixir , honey is the perfect choice to mix with coffee powder.

With goodness of coffee and honey, this face mask offers anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing benefits of coffee thus reducing the ageing signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Your skin can defend itself from the harmful UV rays and escape from skin damage. The grainy texture of the sugar complements the effects of the baking soda. Take one tbsp of coffee and add in tbsp of powdered oatmeal powder and yogurt.

Use of coffee and honey on face

Mix well, you can add honey also. Apply on face and neck ,. Mix tablespoon of coffee powder with tablespoon of raw honey. Honey has moisturising properties and coffee is anti oxidant and anti inflamatory. If you want to use it as face mask , add couple of drops of milk in tsp of fine coffee powder make a paste and then add equal quantity of honey to make a rich lucious face pack.

Honey tightens the skin and imparts a healthy glow when used regularly. You should definitely try it. Honey is something my mother vouches for.

Use of coffee and honey on face

You can feel the smoothness in your skin after using this mask. The aroma of coffee mixed with honey in this mixture soothes your senses. Are you tired of shelling out large amounts of money for exfoliants you find in drugstores? This DIY facial mask is quick, cheap, and makes a great addition to any spa day at home.

You will need ground coffee beans, twice as much ground oats and a tablespoon of honey. Mix the ground coffee , the oats and the honey. Let the mask work its soothing magic for minutes. The benefits include a smoother and cleaner face , and as an added benefit, the coffee also helps prevent dryness on your face.

To use , simply make a scrub out of half a cup each of brown sugar and ground coffee , along with a quarter cup of olive oil. So that, your skin will look healthier and more beautiful naturally. Mixing the coffee with milk helps to create a bright, clear complexion and leaves your skin silky smooth once you rinse the mask off. I always like to add a bit of honey to my homemade face masks, because it pulls excess oil and dirt out of your pores.

As you can see, the benefits of coffee for the skin are extensive, and are derived mainly from its natural antioxidant and caffeine content. Benefits of coffee are beyond giving an instant jolt of energy. Nutrients housed in it can help to exfoliate your skin , improve skin texture, reduce inflammation, get rid of cellulite and lighten the appearance of dark circles.

Use of coffee and honey on face

Procedure: Take spoon of coconut oil. Mix spoon of fine ground coffee. Add few drops of tea tree oil. Combine each of them well and store in air tight container in room temperature.

To use take a scoop and massage it gently in circular motion on face for mins. Wash with cold water and pat dry.

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